Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The yellow brick road...

My yellow brick road didn't start in Kansas....it started in Utah...Orem, Utah and over the next 40 years it wound its way through Idaho, California ( 3 times), Texas (twice), Florida, Pennsylvania and North Carolina. Whew!!

My Mormon boy graduated from BYU with a degree in business/marketing and landed a job with Procter and Gamble selling Crest toothpaste and Ivory soap. We were sent to Boise, Idaho with our 2-year old daughter in tow. While we were in Boise we added baby #2, a son. When we were expecting baby #3, we were moved to Union City California in the San Francisco bay area. Baby #3 was born there...a little girl. When she was 9 months old, P&G moved us, and our 3 children under six, to Tampa, Florida.

Two years later and while expecting baby #4, my husband jumped ship.
He left P&G and took a job with a Johnson&Johnson company, selling surgical suture. They moved us to Lubbock, Texas (where #4 was born, another daughter) and then to Southern California, back to Texas (Dallas) and back to Southern California, where
#5, a son, was born.

My yellow brick road continued on to Pennsylvania and North Carolina...no more babies, but more details to follow...

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