Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Entertainer

My husband never ceases to keep me entertained. Here's just one example....We were having a party at our home and his job was to hang the pinata over our driveway. He was trying to decide the best way to get a rope over the tree limb and decided to tie a hammer to the end of his rope. He gave it a hearty heave ho and was disgruntled to see the hammer had wedged itself in the crook of the tree. Wondering how he could get the hammer unstuck, he decided to tie another hammer to the other end of the rope and hit the first hammer loose. So he swung the rope and tossed the hammer up into the tree and cussed when he saw the second hammer was also stuck. Now what would you do in this situation????? His remedy was easy. Next thing I heard was the sound of a chain saw starting up. Sure enough, he cut down the tree in order to get his hammers back. Now isn't that smart thinking??!!

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