Saturday, January 30, 2010


We've seen snow storms, ice storms, sand storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, and have survived them all. In 1996, North Carolina was hit by hurricane Fran. We were living in Cary at the time and our street was the only one, that we knew of, that didn't lose power. While everyone was busy removing trees from their driveways, I was in the kitchen baking cinnamon rolls. When the town announced they were establishing a curfew, we jumped in the car and headed north to Delaware so we could watch our son play in his college football game the next day. We caught up with the hurricane in Baltimore. You could call us storm chasers. In North Carolina, if there is a threat of snow, everything shuts down; schools, businesses, churches, etc. Now I grew up in Utah where snow is an everyday occurence in the winter. The only time I remember the school being closed was the day the furnace broke down; but, I understand the problem with snow here in the south. First, the state doesn't have enough snow removal equipment to clear the roads and second, southerners don't know how to drive in it. They're either too cautious or they drive too fast and don't know how to handle an out-of-control vehicle. Plain and simple, it's safer if everyone stays home.

We received about 5 inches of snow last night. The neighbor kids are outside sledding down our driveway. No church tomorrow....I get to stay in my pajamas until Tuesday!!

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